Thursday, November 19, 2009

1955 EPISOED SIX: Trip to the Meat Shop

- Streets of Castletown Hill -

Ryan : This place gives me the creeps..

Rogan: Yeah.. Even it's daylight, it's too scary..

Ryan : Ok Rogan, up ahead we will meet a dead end and then we turn left until we found a cinema.

Rogan: Uhh.. Ryan.. You may want to look in front of you..

Ryan : What's the matter? I.....................

Rogan : The street.. Cut in half.. The other part is gone..

Ryan : Luckily we can turn left.. Come on.. Let us go inside this book shop. Up ahead we will found the cinema.


They enter the book shop, inside it looks like the place haven't been running for centuries..

Ryan : Rogan, over here. The door is stuck.. Can you help me find a key..

Rogan: Ok..

They search for the key.. Then Ryan found it. It is located between the files. Inside the file, there is another drawing and this time it is a picture of a adoption center.. Ryan take it.

Ryan unlocked the door, then in a flash, something assault him. Ryan kick it and said..

Ryan : Freeze!! Whoever you are!!

Rogan stunned. Then Ryan surprised when he realized that he kicked a woman. A survivor.

Ryan : Sorry ma'am. I tought that you are one of them.

? : It's ok.. What are you doing here?

Ryan : The most surprising question is why are you here?

? : I'm here because I need to find what happen to my friend here. She's been missing for 3 days. She said that she's here. In Castletown Hill. Your turn.

Ryan : We're here because we're investigating about a missing child named Alessa Milan. She was last seen 5 years ago, in Castletown Hill and the mystery of my dream.

? : You had a dream about this town too? I had the same dream too. About fire, girl in suffer..

Ryan : ...and a man who had been murdered by an evil countess..

? : Yeah... woah.. Oh, by the way. My name is Laura, Laura Sunderland.

Rogan: Sunderland? You mean, you're the daughter of the late Greg Sunderland??

Laura : Yeah.. You know him?

Rogan: He was my father's friend.. I'm sorry of your lost.

Laura : Thanks..

Ryan: Ok, Laura, where are you heading?

Laura : I'm kinda lost. I'm trying to find a map. I'm heading to.. wait.

Ryan : You'd got the drawing too.. What number is it?

Laura : Urm.. Number 2. I found it at the meat shop.. I think that this is the picture of a cinema and I found it until I heard a strange sound here and I found you guys.

Ryan : We're heading to the meat shop and.. since you found the 2nd clue.. Let us rearrange the pictures that we both found..

They assemble in numberic line..

1- Picture of the Meat Shop

2- Picture of The Cinema

3- Picture of Regency Hills Hotel

4- Picture of an Adoption Centre

Ryan : Okay, We'd been to Ashfield Elementary and Laura want to the Meat Shop. So, our next stop is The Cinema then Regency and Adoption Center.

Laura : Ok, let's go then.

The three of them go to the Cinema, the next clue awaits them....

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