Tuesday, November 17, 2009

1955 EPISOED FIVE: The Nightmares begins..

The theme goes to the otherworld.. With Ryan and Rogan inside..

Ryan : The weird siren stops..

Rogan: Don't worry Ryan, I found a flashlight back in the office..

Then, Ryan saw something at the fourth toilet room. He approach it and found a dead body, sitting on the toilet bowl with wires covered around her. In her mouth there is a piece of paper. Ryan take it then the body started to move. He stand back and just look. Rogan began to panic. Slowly, Ryan grab his combat knife. The body move foward to Ryan, when the body started to attack him, he slice the Body and stab it many times until it died..

Ryan : (panting)

Rogan: What was that thing??!!

Ryan : I don't know.. But, I'm not going to wait to find out.. Come on Rogan, let's go..

Both of the exit the toilet and search for a way out.. There are more of the at the 1st floor. They wore restraining jacket.. 5 of them.. They avoid the attacks and succeded.. They ran again and saw a mirror..Strange, the background of the mirror is clean and unhaunted, just like the real world..

Ryan : This must be a portal to the Realworld..

Rogan: No doubt about it. The reflection is quite an opposite.. How can we go to the real word?

Ryan think.. He raise up his plam and touch the mirror, then he shaked like ju-on and then he disapears.. Ryan is inside the mirror. Rogan do the same thing and both of them now are in the real world. Now they know how to exit the Otherworld. Ryan throw the mirror and it crash. Ryan took the medium piece and equip it.

Rogan: Why do you take it?

Ryan : I got a feeling that this can be very handy one day.

Rogan: ?!

Ryan : Never mind. Now let's get out from this school.......... Wait....

Then Ryan remembered his dream..

Ryan : We are in... second floor. Beside us is 4 Rachard.. (enters the class)

Then he remembered a flashback of a group of students acusing Alessa that she is a witch. They threw their books, papers, etc at her with no mercy. Then she ran away..

Ryan : Alessa Milan's class is here.. This must be her desk.

He open the desk and found an english exercise book. The book belongs to Alessa Milan. Nothing important in it. Then, he found a drawing.. Children's drawng. The picture is a hotel named The Regency Hills and ther is a number at the right way below. Number 3..

Ryan : There must be 2 pictures that I haven't found yet..

Meanwhile, Rogan called Ryan. He claim that he found a children's drawing of a meat shop and the number is 1. Ryan took it and talk with himself..

Ryan : Maybe, picture number 2 is in the meat shop... I really need a map of this town..

Both of them walk out from the school. Then, Ryan found a map outside. He hit the glass and grab the map. He look at the map for a direction to the meat shop.

Ryan : Go straight from here, then turn left. Find a cinema and turn left again then go straight until I found the barber shop, turn right and look right and I will found the meat shop. Ok Rogan. Let us go to the meat shop.. The clue is in there..

Rogan: I hope we will not meet more of them..

Then they continue walking...

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