Friday, November 13, 2009

1955 EPISOED THREE: Road to Castletown Hill

8.00 p.m- 14 May 2005
Rogan's Residence

Ryan: (knock) Rogan.. are you in here?

Lisa : (open door) Ryan, Rogan's not ready yet. Are you sure it's safe to go there?

Ryan: Of course it's safe. Nothing can happen, we'e just investigeting.

Rogan: (walk) Ryan, huh... ready?

Ryan : Ready..

They go to Ryan's car and drive all the way to Castletown Hill.. Ryan take south path to go there, it's a shortcut.. The time is 9 p.m 1 hour of driving.. Ryan take left turn and there it is, road to Castletown Hill just up ahead.. Ryan have to speed up because the hill is very high.. While speeding, Rogan saw a shadow slowly crossing up ahead, it's getting closer.. Ryan didn't see anything.

Rogan: Ryan!! Watch out!!! ( grab the stering wheel)

Ryan : Whh.. What??!! Rogan w....

The car just spin around until it hit the rock on the right. The car crashed.. Leaving both of them inside.. unconcious..

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