Wednesday, November 25, 2009

1955 EPISOED SEVEN: The Cinema

The three of them are inside the cinema. Inside, the place is very dark so they have to use the torch light. Beside Ryan, there is a map of the cinema. 2 floors. Ryan take it. Then laura found a box of handgun bullets. She take it and reload her gun. Rogan walked and found a steel pipe. He take it and equip it. Ryan take a look at the map to find a way. First they searched at the first floor. Three doors locked but only one unlock. They entered the room. They are now inside the film storage room. Many old films there. Then, the siren sounds again...
Ryan : Oh no, the siren..
Rogan : Quick, stick together and equip the weapons that you've found.
Three of the equip their weapons. Ryan equip a combat knife, Rogan equip a steel pipe and Laura equip a gun.
Ryan : Get ready...
Then... the darkness come and the scene starts to change into blood rusted.
Rogan : Look Ryan, a letter on that film!
Ryan : Okay.. I read it.. It's a letter from Alessa.. It's covered in blood?..
April 14, 1955 Daylight
My name is Alessa Milan. I have many problems that I need help. All of the citizen here accused me as a witch. I'm not a witch. I'm confused. Whoever found this letter please don't accuse me again.. I'm not a witch. I'm just a normal girl. This is all because of my late mother Dorsolla Evergreen. She used black magic against all her foes. After she gave birth to me, she's gone crazy and accidently killed my father, Holfman Milan. He was a doctor at Castletown Hill Hospital. Then, my mother, she.. She cursed this town and commit suicide at this room.. This cinema.. I kept her secrets beneath this cinema. It is located at the..
The letter was torn..
Rogan : So, Dorsolla Evergreen was a witch at this town and Alessa was the target of accusing..
Laura : Then the secrets is here.. This floor and a way to lead us to the underground.
We must find that path to the underground..
Ryan : But the question is.. How? Where? Which room?
Then Rogan remembered something..
Rogan : Hey guys.. When I walked in, I noticed that the floor at the real world, it sounds like we walked on wood not on tiles.. I think that.. we need to find a way back to the real world a dig the floor..
Ryan : I agree.. Wait... The mirror piece.. I know it'll come in handy one day. Quick, touch this mirror before...
** BUMP!!!**
Laura : You guys.. we have company.. A big company..
Ryan : What the hell..?

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