Friday, November 13, 2009

1955 EPISOED TWO: Tragedy of Castletown Hill


Ryan : .............. ( look at the case of a missing child dated 13 May 2000 )

Then, his partner, Rogan look him with full of curiosity.. He approach Ryan and ask him..

Rogan: (staring at Ryan) Ryan, you've been like this for 3 days.. What's got into your mind lately?

Ryan : I've got this strange dream after I got to investigate this case of this missing child. The weird part is.. this child looked like the one that I dreamt.. Maybe.. just maybe.. there is a connection between me and this girl, Alessa Milan.

Rogan: Alessa Milan? The girl who is myseriously dissapreared 5 years ago?

Ryan : Yup, now Captain Reynolds put me in charge to investigte this case. She was last seen in Castletown Hill..

Rogan: Castletown Hill? It can't be.. That town burnt 50 years ago..

Ryan: It burnt? How?

Rogan : Many town folk who survived the incident told my father that.. There was a dark ritual and it went wrong and the church burnt first.. 2 days later, the whole town. Rumors was told that there are demons haunt that town after the incident, every May 15, every year.. The population back then was 2030 people. Now, only 300 survived. 50 of them managed to escaped the town alive.. The remaining 250 people.. still trapped there..

Ryan : Did the police found those 250 people?

Rogan: They found only destroyed items, burnt houses and buildings and ashes.. There's another rumor that the 250 people are still there, wailing for help but not in our world.. In the Otherword..

Ryan : Otherworld? (laughs) No way! Only a fool will make up such rumors..

Rogan : I didn't belive them either..

Ryan : Allright, now let us go to Castletown Hill, let's do some investigation..

Rogan : I can't right now buddy. I promised my baby girl that I will watch her acting performence. We investigate tonight then?

Ryan : Okay, tonight I will pick you up at 8.00p.m sharp.

Rogan : 8 o'clock it is then.

Then Rogan do his job at his desk while Ryan still gigleling about the rumors of Castletown Hill.

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